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At SolarWinds we are software engineers who are passionate about programming, debugging, logging and pretty much everything about building and running applications. We enjoy keeping our coding skills sharp and playing with new technologies. Below are some of things we have picked up along the way.
Fully Functional for 30 Days
Last updated: January 16, 2024
Mobile app crashes can be a real headache in the world of software development. They not only lead to user frustration and productivity loss but also tarnish your organization’s reputation. As a mobile developer, one of the most valuable tool in your troubleshooting arsenal is the Crash log.
When mobile apps crash, they generate logs that contain some information related to where the issues that caused the crash occurred. Taking a look at the log is one place to start your effort toward diagnosing and fixing the crash.
Last updated: December 18, 2023
Microservice architectures bring significant benefits to software teams. Microservices allow a team to scale individual parts of their application independently. They provide huge benefits in resilience, too. An application with a memory leak in a troublesome spot is a big problem for a monolithic architecture. One bug takes down the whole system and leads to extended outages. With a microservice architecture, a memory leak only takes down one part of the swarm. However, there are downsides to the microservice approach. For starters, microservices complicate deployment plans. While you can solve some of those complications with orchestration tools, it’s another layer of technology in your stack.
Last updated: December 18, 2023
As web applications become more complex, a need for monitoring and observation emerges. Configuring NGINX logs can be challenging; misconfigured logs can lead to missed critical data or excessive use of storage. In addition, incorrect configuration may expose your server to vulnerabilities.
This post is a comprehensive guide on logging with NGINX. We’ll look at the configuration of NGINX logs and potential aspects to watch out for, ensuring you can leverage the full potential of NGINX logs while keeping your web server secure.
Last updated: December 18, 2023
There are a lot of “cloudy” terms out there now. Is cloud-native better than cloud-based? Do I consider myself in the “cloud” when I enable my application for the cloud? Let’s take a closer look at the difference between cloud-native, cloud-based, and cloud-enabled to tease apart these different terms.
Last updated: December 15, 2023
Docker has improved how we develop, package, and deploy applications. It allows us to encapsulate logic and dependencies in a container ready to run on any platform. However, each container produces logs, which can be challenging to manage. Logs give a record of events happening in a system and are very useful when debugging. Thus, we need ways to access the container logs. Docker logs tail is a command that allows us to follow specific log outputs of our container.
Last updated: December 15, 2023
In the world of software development, logging often takes a backseat to unit testing and documentation. However, logging is a critical tool for debugging in production, providing insights into the real-world use of your application. When things stop working, it’s the data in the logs that both the development and operations teams use to troubleshoot the issue and quickly fix the problem.
Kafka is an open-source publish/subscribe platform. It can act as a message broker and as a fault-tolerant storage system. Its speed and reliability make it a natural choice for managing communications between enterprise applications, so being able to monitor your Kafka systems is critical.
In this tutorial, we’ll see how easy it is to connect your Kafka logs to Papertrail™ so you can take advantage of its ability to store, index, and instrument your messaging logs.
Jamstack came out just six years ago but has gained traction rapidly among the community. In fact, Netlify’s 2020 State of the Jamstack Survey states more than two-thirds of respondents have been using it for the last two years.
The traditional application development paradigm involves practices and tools for developing applications. This paradigm builds upon monolithic architecture, which is centered around the idea of “interconnectedness” and “dependency.”
What do I mean by “interconnectedness” and “dependency”? The former refers to applications developed so each component interconnects with the other components. Thus, lines of code and functions within one component are intertwined with the others. What happens when one of the components fails to function? Due to the interconnected, monolithic architecture, the entire application fails due to its dependence on this failed component.
Nowadays, most software is built using microservices architecture. The easiest way of building microservices is by using containers. But technology and architecture are only half of the equation.
Processes, company culture, and methodologies also play a big role in the software development process. For this part, the most popular approach is to follow DevOps practices. In fact, containers and DevOps complement each other. In this post, you’ll learn how one relates to another and what containerization and DevOps are all about.
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