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Log files spread across servers from various PHP apps and frameworks such as CakePHP, Laravel, and Zend make locating the right file tricky.
Finding problems in log files containing verbose errors and lengthy database queries is difficult.
Scattered logs, multiple formats, and verbose stack traces make troubleshooting time-consuming.
Consolidate your logs in one central place and benefit from a single authoritative view of your application logs. Use the SolarWinds® Papertrail™ event viewer to search through all your PHP logs simultaneously and find the log data you need when you need it. Send logs to Papertrail directly using the Monolog library or the Khana framework, or forward local text log files with the Papertrail tiny remote_syslog2 daemon. Assign logs to groups and grant different levels of access to the team members who require them. Set global log retention and archiving policies to simplify log management.
Sign up for a free planHunt through volumes of log data with a simple search syntax that lets you narrow in on the log messages you need and ignore the ones you don’t. Cut through the noise and filter out routine events using exclusion searches. You can view a live stream of events using the live tail feature. Pause, search, and scroll through incoming log messages and effortlessly navigate using clickable log elements such as time, IP address, and user ID. Clicking on a sender hostname in the PHP syslog viewer restricts the messages you see and can be used to investigate the sequences of events leading up to a kernel crash, or application hang.
Sign up for a free planTrying to detect issues without the right tools is exhausting. With Papertrail you can save your most frequent or important search queries and automatically schedule them to run every minute, hour, or day to create alerts. Receive automatic notifications via email when incoming log messages match your alerts, or warn your team via Slack, PagerDuty, or Campfire. You can even send notifications with custom HTTP webhooks, allowing you to integrate Papertrail alerts into your existing tools. The Papertrail log velocity analytics feature lets you visually explore your log data by plotting events covering periods ranging from a few minutes to several weeks.
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