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Logs grow over time, requiring ongoing expansion and maintenance of storage solutions.
Regulations and industry best practices require log archives, further increasing storage and maintenance costs.
Logs can contain sensitive information, requiring encryption and other protections that further increase costs.
Logs continuously grow in size, becoming harder to manage and more expensive to retain. Organizations eventually resort to setting rotation policies, compressing files, and setting disk usage quotas. With cloud logging, Papertrail provides a hosted logging service that maintains your logs for you. Logs are stored in an Amazon S3 bucket for fast and reliable availability. You only pay for what you generate, and you can use your own private S3 bucket for automatic backups.
Sign up for a free planYour data is safe with Papertrail. Logs are encrypted in transit and archived using Amazon S3's built-in AES-256 encryption. Set comprehensive access controls to determine whether users can access log data, manage policies, create searches, or set alerts.
Sign up for a free planProperly managed logs are crucial for auditing and demonstrating compliance. Papertrail stores up to a year of log events for long-term retrieval. Generate archives for specific date or time periods and download them as generic TSV (tab-separated value) files. This way, you can access the information necessary to audit security events, review the long-term impact of changes, and comply with regulations.
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