Make Your Logs Work for You

The days of logging in to servers and manually viewing log files are over. SolarWinds® Papertrail™ aggregates logs from applications, devices, and platforms to a central location.

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Troubleshoot Fast and Enjoy It

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides cloud-based log management that seamlessly aggregates logs from applications, servers, network devices, services, platforms, and much more.

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Aggregate and Search Any Log

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides lightning-fast search, live tail, flexible system groups, team-wide access, and integration with popular communications platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to help you quickly track down customer problems, debug app requests, or troubleshoot slow database queries.

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For Engineers, By Engineers

If I could think of anything funny about time zones, it would be here

Posted by telliott on

Almost everything we touch at Papertrail has a timestamp, which means it also has an expressed or implied time zone. Here’s more about why and how we work with time zones, then an introduction to new time zone-aware search alerts.
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Search Alerts: Integration with Boundary

Posted by telliott on

We’ve added a new Papertrail search alert to create a Boundary event based on your application or system log messages. Boundary provides network-centric application visibility and they value real-time data as much as we do. They provide a way to create events, which show up as red indicators at the bottom of a graph. Events…
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Improving PagerDuty Alerts

Posted by telliott on

Our PagerDuty search alert was one of our first user-contributed alerts. @darron dropped by our chat room and pointed places where small improvements to the alert could give a lot more information when jumping on a problem. Over the past week, I talked with a few customers about how they were using PagerDuty alerts. They suggested…
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Multiple accounts made easy

Posted by telliott on

Need to manage logs for multiple organizations, like for a consultancy’s customers or to keep work and personal logs separate? This is now easy. If you already have a Papertrail account and are granted access to another organization’s logs, you’ll see a new menu item in the Dashboard header. It shows the entities you have access to (Acme Anvils, Western Widgets,…
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Archive file timestamp changes

Posted by telliott on

Update Monday, May 21: These changes are now active. Along with realtime search and tail, Papertrail generates daily or hourly log archive files. They downloadable from Papertrail’s site and optionally, uploaded to your own S3 bucket.
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Maintenance on Jan. 4 and 5, 2012

Posted by telliott on

Update 1/5/11: Maintenance lasted from 10:02-11:39 PM Pacific on Wednesday 1/4. Thursday’s maintenance will not be necessary. We will be performing service-impacting maintenance on Papertrail’s Web site the evening of Wednesday, January 4 and potentially, the evening of Thursday, January 5, 2012, from 10 PM-2 AM Pacific (6 AM-10 AM UTC). We do not expect the…
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Log viewer or time machine?

Posted by telliott on

We’ve collected a number of small improvements to Papertrail’s log viewer that I’m really excited to ship.
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Maintenance on Dec. 7 and 8, 2011

Posted by telliott on

Update: Rescheduled for Wednesday, December 7 and Thursday, December 8 at the times below. We will be performing service-impacting maintenance on Papertrail’s Web site the evenings of Wednesday, December 7 November 30 and Thursday, December 8 1, 2011, from 10 PM-1 AM Pacific (6 AM-9 AM UTC). During this time, the Web site and API endpoint may be unreachable. We do not expect…
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Maintenance on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011

Posted by telliott on

We’ll be performing service-impacting maintenance on Papertrail’s Web site the evening of Wednesday, November 2, 2011 Pacific time. From Wednesday at 10 PM Pacific to Thursday at 1 AM (5 AM to 8 AM Thursday UTC), the Web site and API endpoint may be unreachable. We expect the impact to be far shorter than 3 hours…
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Recent news, or The Papertrail Occasional

Posted by telliott on

Hey, it’s another issue of The Papertrail Occasional. If there’s a theme this time around, it’s “Logs, when and how you want them.” Not too verbosely: 1. Search alerts 2. Painless date/time finder 3. Colors 4. Custom styling 5. Automatic group membership 6. Easy app log encryption .. plus customer creativity (Rails, chef, puppet), a bit of horn-tooting,…
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