Make Your Logs Work for You

The days of logging in to servers and manually viewing log files are over. SolarWinds® Papertrail™ aggregates logs from applications, devices, and platforms to a central location.

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Troubleshoot Fast and Enjoy It

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides cloud-based log management that seamlessly aggregates logs from applications, servers, network devices, services, platforms, and much more.

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Aggregate and Search Any Log

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides lightning-fast search, live tail, flexible system groups, team-wide access, and integration with popular communications platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to help you quickly track down customer problems, debug app requests, or troubleshoot slow database queries.

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For Engineers, By Engineers

Papertrail is now brought to you by Papertrail Inc.

Posted by telliott on

When we started Papertrail, it was within a company called Seven Scale (which we’d used for prior ventures). As Papertrail has grown, it no longer made sense to use the Seven Scale name. Over the next few weeks, references to “Seven Scale” will change to “Papertrail Inc.” Our customers will see zero impact from this change.…
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Announcing the Dashboard Finder: a better jumping-off point

Posted by telliott on

We’re proud to announce the Dashboard Finder, which is now live on Papertrail’s Dashboard. Try it:
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Announcing search alert minimum thresholds

Posted by telliott on

As users know, Papertrail has offered painless log search alerts for some time. Notify a Campfire chat room, email a team, or kick off a PagerDuty escalation process when something important happens. Get periodic summaries about less-critical issues.
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A fresher home page

Posted by telliott on

Last week we quietly released a new public home page. Our goal was simple: incorporate what we’ve learned from operating Papertrail. We’ve actually seen how people interact with the site, which wasn’t the case when the original site was designed. While the text hasn’t changed dramatically, the new site’s layout highlights the elements that we’ve seen firsthand are…
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Help Papertrail make engineers and entrepreneurs happy – we’re hiring

Posted by telliott on

We’ve grown to need part-time technical customer support. A few things make this a unique position: work from anywhere, any time, and choose how much. Float between a few hours and 20 hours/week (if not more). Also, do as much beyond tech support as you’re interested in. Learn more:
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More signal, less noise with simple, free log filtering

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail can now filter log messages on behalf of your apps and systems. Constantly logging a noisy system error that you’re well aware of? Don’t care about requests from monitoring probes? Give us a regular expression and we’ll ignore them. No need to touch your app or system config.
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A touch more elegance in Heroku add-on interface

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail provides a Heroku add-on for aggregating and managing logs from apps, including dyno/app output, router requests, and platform events. This calls for a consistent interface between the Heroku Dashboard and Papertrail (when accessed as an add-on), so Papertrail displays part of the site header.
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Ordering saved searches alphabetically

Posted by telliott on

Aside from the new group-wide log context link, we made one much smaller change: saved searches are now alphabetized in Papertrail’s Dashboard. Back Story Until today, saved searches were shown in the order that they had been created. This made sense with a relatively small number of searches (and when a relatively small set of…
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Changing behavior of links to surrounding context

Posted by telliott on

As you’ve probably seen, Papertrail’s log viewer shows links to display a specific message in context. Click the name of a log sender or a program to jump to that message within the related messages generated right before and right after it:
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Announcing read-only account permissions

Posted by telliott on

I’m pleased to announce that Papertrail now supports a read-only account access level. Need to share short-term log visibility with a consultant? Want to spread ops visibility throughout your company, without the risk of someone accidentally changing a setting? This is for you.
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