The days of logging in to servers and manually viewing log files are over. SolarWinds® Papertrail™ aggregates logs from applications, devices, and platforms to a central location.
SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides cloud-based log management that seamlessly aggregates logs from applications, servers, network devices, services, platforms, and much more.
SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides lightning-fast search, live tail, flexible system groups, team-wide access, and integration with popular communications platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to help you quickly track down customer problems, debug app requests, or troubleshoot slow database queries.
We’ve made 3 minor changes to make Papertrail’s service easier to understand and more predictable: The free plan now measures usage the same way as all other plans, which is from one day of a month (such as the 13th) to the same day in the following calendar month. Details are below. Existing plans with…
You may have already seen Papertrail’s PDF receipts, which are shown on the Purchases tab within Account. You’ll see a new section on that page: “Customize Receipts.” Perhaps a tax authority requires a VAT identification number be on every receipt, or an accounting department requires a mailing address or vendor code. Enter anything you want in…
As of today, Papertrail has a new search operator: an attribute. Use an attribute-specific keyword to examine only a specific part of a log message. Here’s a live example returning messages with the severities emergency, critical, or error.
Log rate spikes are common and often go unnoticed. They could be an indication that something went terribly wrong or a high-traffic system was unintentionally configured with verbose logging. As of today, Papertrail can notify you if your log rate is higher than expected.
We’re pleased to release an incremental improvement to make saved searches more accessible while browsing logs, as well as easier to edit. While in the log viewer, click “Searches”: What’s new? This screenshot reflects 2 improvements: Searches are loaded with the page, rather than when “Searches” is clicked. Also, the list now expands right next…
After a log sender permanently stops generating logs (like because a system was deprovisioned), Papertrail can automatically remove it for you. Until today, Papertrail automatically decided whether or not to remove senders based on log destination and sender settings. We’ve made the behavior more configurable and more explicit. We hope this eliminates what might have…
After more than 2 years of interacting with Larry Marburger as a Papertrail customer, technologist, entrepreneur, and trusted friend, I’m incredibly pleased to welcome him to Papertrail. Many users know and use a service which Larry helped create, CloudApp (, for capturing screenshots and sharing files. In fact, we used CloudApp at Papertrail long before I…
Papertrail’s staff grew in 2013, and as part of hiring employees, the company obtained employment agreements. These are fairly standard contracts that all technology companies use. If you’ve worked in the technology field, you’ve probably signed one. We wanted to go a bit further, though. We got tired of not having easy-to-understand contracts and we…
If you’ve ever needed to log from systems or services which don’t support TLS encryption, check out the new log destination options available today. Every Papertrail log destination has always supported sending logs over TCP with TLS encryption or UDP without encryption. Some systems and services can’t use TLS encryption and can only send logs in…
We’re thrilled to officially welcome Leon Sodhi to Papertrail. Leon started in May, 2013 as Papertrail’s support engineer, so you may already have met him. Leon’s thoughtful disposition, attention to detail, and readiness to dive in and reproduce a problem have saved time for hundreds of customers. Whether he’s helping identify an rsyslog configuration problem, patching…