Make Your Logs Work for You

The days of logging in to servers and manually viewing log files are over. SolarWinds® Papertrail™ aggregates logs from applications, devices, and platforms to a central location.

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Troubleshoot Fast and Enjoy It

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides cloud-based log management that seamlessly aggregates logs from applications, servers, network devices, services, platforms, and much more.

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Aggregate and Search Any Log

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides lightning-fast search, live tail, flexible system groups, team-wide access, and integration with popular communications platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to help you quickly track down customer problems, debug app requests, or troubleshoot slow database queries.

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For Engineers, By Engineers

April 14: New SHA-2 TLS certificate for log destinations

Posted by telliott on

On Thursday, April 14, 2016, Papertrail will deploy a new SHA-2 (SHA-256) TLS/SSL certificate for its syslog destinations, replacing the current SHA-1 certificate.
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Subtle Refinements to Papertrail’s Event Viewer

Posted by Ryan Heath on

We’re pleased to release several improvements to Papertrail’s event viewer. Based on our own experience and how we’ve seen customers use Papertrail, these changes make the viewer easier for new users to incrementally explore, then more predictable once you have. One place to choose what to see Quickly update existing saved searches Offer control of…
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Never type the same API token twice

Posted by Cory Duncan on

Typing the same alert settings into multiple alerts sucks. Browser autocompletion makes it tolerable, but it’s not ideal. To help with this, now when you create a new alert, you can copy details from one of your existing alerts. This is a quick way to set up multiple alerts that share details.
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Introducing Syslog Rate Limits

Posted by telliott on

Summary Occasionally, a misconfigured log sender will generate an astonishingly high volume of log data. Because UDP doesn’t offer backpressure, a misconfigured UDP sender can generate hundreds of thousands of packets per second with no regard to whether Papertrail accepts or even receives the logs. To any other service, this activity would be a denial-of-service…
Read More TLS/SSL cert will change January 27

Posted by telliott on

Summary The TLS/SSL certificate used by 1 of Papertrail’s syslog destinations,, will change on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. Some log senders which were configured before June, 2014 and are using TLS/SSL need to be modified to trust the new certificate.
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Main Menu Changes (or, Where’d My Profile Go?)

Posted by Ryan Heath on

We’ve made a few small changes to the main navigation in the header. Here’s what it used to look like: It now looks like this:
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Temporarily Mute Log Senders

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail now has a way to stop processing logs from a sender. A sender can be muted for an hour during maintenance or to run a load test. This augments the filtering improvements released last week.
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Flexible Log Filtering

Posted by telliott on

The set of interesting log messages changes depending on the context. Log messages which are useful while in the middle of an outage, or to debug a kernel error, can be noise during day-to-day operations. As of today, it’s easier to choose the messages which are currently useful to you. Flexible, Centralized Filters It’s common…
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Making Group Info Pages Faster For Very Large Groups

Posted by telliott on

Some customers have thousands or even tens of thousands of log senders. Viewing the details of these large groups of senders can be quite slow. To speed up page loads, we’ve added pagination and changed how filtering log senders works. The syntax for filtering a group’s log senders now matches the syntax for adding dynamic…
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Welcoming Ryan Heath to Papertrail

Posted by telliott on

It started with an email through Flickr way back in Papertrail’s co-founder, Eric Lindvall, saw a portfolio which caught his eye. Eric sent an unsolicited message to the designer, Ryan Heath, using the only method that Eric could find — Flickr. After a few interactions, Ryan began collaborating with the team, and a step that’s…
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