Our support for triggering webhooks from saved searches has just received a huge upgrade.
We’ve had the ability to configure a webhook to be triggered when a saved search finds new matches for a while, but wanted to make it even easier.
Today we are excited to announce Search Alerts.
Now, when you edit a Saved Search you have the option to set an alert for Campfire and Pagerduty along with our existing email and custom webhooks.
For each of these webhooks you have the option to set if it is run every minute, hour or day, allowing you to still get a daily summary in email, but up-to-the-minute alerts in campfire.
Here’s a quick example of the Campfire alert:
Also, we’ve realized that email is a great way to integrate with other services so we’ve expanded the email alerts to have the same options for when they are triggered that webhooks have — every minute, hour or day.
We have been inspired by the webhooks that our customers have created and the excitement people have had with integrating with using Papertrail with other services and wanted to do something to make it easier. The services shown here are the first of many.
GitHub and their github-services has been a glowing example of how collaboration really helps everyone and so we decided to follow their lead and release our own services repo: papertrail-services.
If you have a service that you really wish Papertrail sent alerts to, now is your chance to make it happen. We’ve provided instructions in the README for how to contribute. If you’re not a developer, drop us a line and we’ll do what we can to help build it.
Thanks to Librato (creators of Silverline app resource management) for contributing the PagerDuty webhook.